Updates on Issues 2 and 3 AND Upcoming Issues 4 and 5
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Aug 09, 2023 at 02:28:10 PM
Good Afternoon Masters Backers!
Let's get you all updated on what is going on at Power Comics and specifically with The Masters.
Issue 3 is two colored pages away from being completed. We are confident that Issues 2 and 3 will be sent to the printer no later than September 1 and will ship soon after.

I truly appreciate your patience on this. I have never experienced so much personal and professional frustration in my life than trying to get this campaign completed and out to you, BUT I hate excuses, so I'm not going to make any. I am just going to promise all of you that I will do better. I owe each and every one of you that.
So along those lines, while we were spending all this time dealing with the turmoils of Issue 3, we have been forging ahead on Masters Issues 4 and 5.

Issue 4 will be completed and ready for print by the time we launch it's Kickstarter on September 1. And, once the campaign has concluded and the monies are in the bank, it will be waiting at the printer to print and ship.
We will be able to do the same with Issue 5 as it will be completed and ready to print by the time we launch it's Kickstarter on October 19. And, once that campaign has concluded and the monies are in the bank, it too will be waiting at the printer to print and ship.

Then, The Masters trade hard cover and paperback will have it's very own Kickstarter campaign launching on December 7. So, if you want The Masters collected works in either hardcover or paperback form, and you did not back it in campaign number 1, this will be your chance. Not to mention, as always, we will have all kinds of extra add-ons that we are sure you will want to pick up.
AND, ALL trade hard cover and paperbacks that were backed and pre-ordered from the first Masters Kickstarter campaign will be shipped immediately thereafter as well. Everybody who backed this on the first Kickstarter I truly appreciate you and your patience. We're putting something together that we think is pretty special and will make you say, “Now THAT was worth the wait!”
Lastly, we are planning an additional trade entitled Bring On The Masters, paying tribute to Marvel's Bring On The Bad Guys by Stan Lee, containing the origin stories of all six members of The Masters. Kickstarter campaign date to be determined.

I also want to address our delays in the delivery of our action figures to those backers. As a custom action figure maker myself for over 25 years, I thought these would be the last items that would have any issues. I was wrong. Our latest issue has been the paint application on the heads of the figures. But, I am happy to report that this has been corrected and all action figures from the first campaign will be shipped no later than October 1. Action figures from the second campaign before December 1.
If you have any questions or concerns or comments, please email me directly at [email protected]. I promise to answer any and all questions. And, I promise to do better.

I have attached some images never before seen in public for your viewing pleasure. I hope they make you anticipate Issue 3's upcoming release even more.
Finally, if you are so inclined and want to support our other project Super Joe Unlimited, please click the link below. An exciting adventure comic inspired by the Hasbro Super Joe action figure line from the late 1970s: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/super-joe-unlimited-issue-1-super-joe-returns#/

Thank you all for your patience, confidence, and faith is us. We appreciate you all!
Austin Hough